Friday, January 24, 2014

Most Metal Goat

I thought I had seen the best combo of goat+metal band possible with the Metallica Packer Goat. However, life has proven me wrong by introducing me to Biquette.

More from Metal Insider:

Grindcore fan that happened to be a goat passes away 

We see a lot of things come across our desks, but the goat in the front row of a Wormrot show that’s been kicking around the internet for a few years is one of the best images in metal. Now, thanks to the team over at Noisey, we not only know that the goat had a name, Biquette, but sadly, that Biquette is no longer with us, having passed away last month.

Raad the rest here:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A happy little tune for your Thursday!

According to Wikipedia, George Formby (5/26/1904-3/6/1961) was once Britain's top-paid entertainer. He usually played tunes on ukulele both on the stage and in film.