I saw a very watchable 1980s cartoon movie the other night called "Animalympics" which was more or less a collection of short sport-centric stories staring animals. Most were pretty humorous including skicap wearing squids from Italy competing in the bobsled and a new-age otter from California in the swimming events (apparently the winter and summer Animalympics happen at the same time.) The most disturbing part was the goofy trippy music video type interludes (such as when a canine downhill skiier gets lost in the mountains and goes to Dog-ri-la.)
There was one main story that runs through the whole movie which follows the competitors of the marathon (which is run over 4 days!) The two main runners are an African cat (cheetah?) named Kit and (ta da!) a French goat named Renae Fromage.
Well, as you can see, the congeniality of the games soon overtakes the two of them and they cross the finish line holding hands - awe!
Note: this movie is featured on this wepbage which happens to be all about cats in the movies! Happy to fill the gap that seems to exist regarding goats in the movies! More to come!
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