I have been searching for other people blogging about goats. That is, the livestock animal, its wild kin, and said animals' place in history, literature, pop culture etc.
However - many blogs with "goat" in the title aren't about goats at all. Here is what I have found:
http://thegoat.backcountry.com/ = A pretty fun blog not about goats, but about gear for people traveling back country (back packing, off roading etc.)
http://foodgoat.blogspot.com/= Everyone who contributes has goat in their names! But it's just a funny food blog.
http://www.hcn.org/blogs/goat = Not about goats. A news blog about topics that effect the Western US.
http://www.adonkeyandgoat.com/Blog_2008.html = A CA winery website. Named after the donkeys in France and their goat companions.
I was able to find the following:
http://goatcentral.blogspot.com/ = A blog started by Baby Belle, a Nigerian Dwarf in 2005. Still going strong! It is kidding season and so Belle has lots to talk about.
http://mdsheepgoat.blogspot.com/ = A blog started in 2006 by Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist for University of Maryland Cooperative Extension. Good info, but a lot of sheep.
http://boergoatblog.com/ = Based in VA, a very nice site about boer goats with lots of links.
http://goatsinthegarden.blogspot.com/= Very cute blog with lots of pics of a farm in Kansas.
http://www.boer-goats-farmstay-bed-breakfast.com/boer-goat-blog.html = An eclectic anyone-can-post blog that's rather hard to navigate. One post was about snail control by goats!
http://kgba.wordpress.com/ = blog about Kinder goats-cross between Nubian and Pygmy goats. Unfortunately hasn't been updated since 9/2008.

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